Different Storage Ideas for a Library
Library has been one of the most neglected places when it comes to decorations yet most useful ones. Every house has a library. with craze of books, we have realized that we might need an extra spaces to add books or does this books make my space clutter. Here are tips and ideas for storage spaces for library.
1. Floor to ceiling bookshelves
What makes a home look antique and grand - is making your own home a library home. Having floor to ceiling spaces not only removes clutter but it adds more space to your home while maintaining antiqueness.
2. Make your stairs a Cabinet for books
Have you thought what to do with spaces near your stairs? Make it a library. Make cabinet spaces below the stairs and fill with books. You could also have glass window shielding your books from unwanted visitors.
3. Fill your Furniture spaces with books
Constraint to popular belief that books everywhere can add clutter- books kept on unwanted spaces on your furniture like bed shelves or library chair actually removed clutters. Take a look at Alexander Lowe idea- there is 27 feet storage space in his library sofa. Enough to hold a 300 books. It also adds great look to your room itself
4. Ladder Bookcase
A simple ladder can hold as many books as it can. Not only does it remove clutter but it will bring to your home a great new freshness.
5. Bookcase Room Divider
Who thinks about having bookshelves in room divider. This is a fantastic idea by Hanson husk. You could have shelves of different sizes built on this divider. Then add the books and boom- you not only got a library but you managed to have clutter less space. The best part here is that you could sit in your own sitting room or eat your food while being close to the library instead of going all the way up to a singular room of books.
6. Fireplace Bookcase
If your are living in western countries you might
Need a fireplace and having a book case in fireplace that’s not all needed is good enough idea. This is great idea for those who can’t afford to buy shelves or proper library room. Not only that it create a new great artwork and pleasant to eye .
7 Books on Spine Shelves
You can get cheaper prices at Amazon. A spine shelves is good what to remove clutters.
8 Frame a Bookshelves Around Door
This is great way to reduce adding up space yet it looks beautiful. Having open shelves around door adds more light and pleasant to readers
9. Build an under Bed Library
This is one of the most easiest and effortless job. It also allows you to have a mini library without having to make one.placing book cover up in front allows people to look for books easily