by Vedita Kapoor
Growing up in a household where the word inclusivity does not exist outside a dictionary, it may be difficult for new homeowners with children of special needs to understand the importance of having an inclusive play space. With the trend of designing homes with an equally personal space for each family member picking up in India, there seems a need to upgrade decor and architectural standards to fit the needs of all family members equally.
Different is good:
Inclusion at home means all children and adults, with and without special needs, stay together and grow together, understanding each other’s needs and wants in a healthy manner. This works wonders in teaching children that being different is not bad, rather it shifts the narrative and transforms the negativity attached to differences into something positive. This bridging of differences is significantly important, especially in designing and decorating a playroom for children who are on the Autism Spectrum or have Down’s Syndrome.
Where Architecture is Sensory Friendly:
Finding a quiet corner to build your dream house may be a difficult task but designing and decorating it in a sensory friendly manner <hyperlink 2nd art.> may be just the long term investment you’re looking for! With the architecture industry becoming even more aware about psychological needs a client expects from a house, new and innovative designs are invented and studied everyday to come up with the best solutions using state of the art technology. From building thick sound suppressing walls to wallpapers that are of a soothing pastel colour, all is taken care of if a client requests such a room in the house.
Know What The Child’s Needs Are:
The child who’s playroom is being designed must be kept in mind at all times when thinking of the perfect space for their playtime. Play is not merely an activity that relaxes a child, it also entails physical, mental, psychological, emotional and social development. Neurodivergent children experience play in a very different manner than their neurotypical peers. It becomes very important to curate spaces that are inclusive of both play types so that all children can play with each other without feeling like they are excluded. Toys, games, colours, music, beds, all must be personalised to the needs of the child.
Inclusive playrooms are a new concept but are soon catching up to be popular in India as there is increased psychological awareness about inclusive behaviour. This concept of inclusion is actively recommended in social places but the only way it can succeed is through practicing and inculcating inclusive habits at home.

A Beginner's Guide
By Vedita Kapoor
Playrooms and nurseries are an irreplaceable part of a child’s development. Children need
their personal space for various reasons. It not only gives a child space to explore their space
at their own space, but it also helps establish healthy boundaries early on in life. This makes
it important for architects and caregivers to choose the right materials and accessories to build
the perfect space for children with disabilities.
Observe What The Child Needs:
Every child’s needs differ and the first step in the process is to observe what the child likes
or dislikes, sensitivity, and needs. Children with physical and children with mental disabilities
have different needs. From the location of the room in the house to the lighting, everything
must benefit the child. Choosing the right elements is the key.
Selection Process:
Selecting the right elements to decorate your child’s playroom is very important. Remember
to choose the right curtains, floor padding, furniture, wall colours, textures, and toys. Check
whether the materials are comfortable and feel good on the skin. Avoid bold and bright
colours as much as possible, instead, choose neutral and pastel colours that are easy on the
eyes to decrease stimulation. Buy plushies for comfort and stimming, a heavy blanket,
scented candles, and special interest related decorations. Investing in a light dimmer and fan
for white noise can also prove to be fruitful.
Check Safety:
Safety is important when it comes to people with disabilities. Children are extremely prone to
accidents and not all products are designed to benefit disabled individuals. Check for any
sharp edges, swallowable or toxic materials that may be around your toddler. Edges of beds,
tables, cabinets, sharp nails, electric outlets, plugs, etc. Childproofing the house and playroom
is an important investment to make. Make sure to install door locks and padding to make the
playroom a safe space.
Let the Child Have a Final Say:
It is beneficial to let your child accompany you when choosing materials for their playrooms.
The child will be able to better decide if they like a certain element. Every child is different
and has different needs. Letting the child choose on their own inculcates a sense of autonomy
and boundaries, which makes it easier for them to form an identity for themselves.
Check-in Occasionally:
Check whether the elements chosen are working well for your child. You can experiment,
mix and match until you find the right elements to make a safe space for your child.
Building inclusive homes is a great way to inculcate the idea of an equal world for all. Since
playrooms form a major part of children’s lives, important lessons can be taught here about
why inclusivity is important.

Decor for Children on the Autism Spectrum
You must wonder by now what are the elements one must choose to make a child’s playroom
a space where they want to spend a major amount of their time. Here’s a list of products to
look at when you consider remodeling next!
Sound Blocking Curtains are an effective and inexpensive way to reduce noise in your child’s
playroom. Although it's not completely possible to drown out all sounds, it considerably
reduces the impact on children sensitive to noise.
Installing a makeshift bed in the playroom is good for some downtime and recharging. Beds
with an upholstered frame are effective in preventing injuries and bumps caused due to sharp
edges. These can be a useful investment and preexisting furniture can be customized too.
Open storage units are a great option when it comes to a child’s playroom. Due to the object
permanence factor, also known as “out of sight, out of mind”, children might forget that they
have their beloved stim toy right in front of them. These cupboards are safe since they have
no doors, thus no risk of sharp edges or sudden opening doors.
Weighted blankets help reduce stress and promote a calm and peaceful sleep. Blankets give
gentle pressure, similar to a hug. It helps ease symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.
Best for noise sensitive children. It stops doors from creaking and shutting loudly so that it
does not trigger anxiety. These hinges are hydraulic based, which close doors silently.
As recommended by psychologists